This app is made with love, dedicated to India's legendary captain, Ms. Dhoni.
Ah, maths! Thala for a reason, because even in numbers we can find the magic of 7. Whether it's counting, adding, subtracting, or multiplying, let's see how we can uncover the sevens in the world of mathematics. Did you know, when you multiply 7 by any number from 1 to 12, you get a series of numbers where the sum of their digits is always 7? Thala's charm spreads across math too! Now, let's talk about counting. If you count the numbers from 1 to 7, you'll find our lucky number right there! Thala for a reason, numbers can't resist the power of 7. When it comes to addition and subtraction, you can play around with numbers to reach our lucky seven. For example, if you take 10 and subtract 3, boom! You got 7, just like how Thala hits a six out of the park! Mathematics is like a game where we can find 7's hidden whistlepodu all around. So, tell me, what other number-crunching secrets shall we unveil in the world of maths?